
You experience life moment by moment; these moments add up to your life.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What Is Important to You?

Have you thought lately about what is really important to you? What is your goal in life? I'm not really talking about how much money you want to make - or I hope that I'm not - but what your spiritual or mental or personal goals may be.
Now is a good time to think about what you are doing to acheive those goals.
If you want to become a better person, help others, make peace, keep your family together, think if you've done even the smallest thing today to help that goal along.
If you haven't, then think what you have spent your day doing. You may be expending all your energies on activities , errands, clubs, or pleasing people that mean nothing to you.

The cliche is that this is the first day of the rest of your life.

Do one thing today (or tomorrow) that helps you along the path to a goal that really matters to you.

You'll feel that you've done something worthwhile.

Cluny Grey Jewelry

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